About Us
Sharing expertise in Smart and Flexible Working
Our story
About Flexibility. co.uk
Sharing expertise in Smart and Flexible Working
Flexibility.co.uk aims to inform and stimulate debate about the changing world of work.
Flexibility.co.uk brings together research and opinion about innovations in employment practice, organisational development, technological change and public policy.
The expertise developed by Flexibility over more than 25 years has led to the development of an advisory and training practice, working with large organisations and governments to help them implement modern ways of working.
The commitment to research and dissemination of good practie has continued with the production of numerous research reports, other writings and conference presentations.
Brief history
Flexibility was first published in paper version in October 1993. Originally it was started with support from the European Commission, as a monthly journal reporting on business innovation around flexible working and telework.
Since then it has provided regular updates on the world of flexible work, with news, views, reviews, articles, links and other useful resources. It first went online in 1997, becoming one of the first online business journals.
In 2004, Flexibility was spun out as a separate venture, with the mission to extend the number of partners supporting its work and helping to raise awareness of the impact and benefits of flexible working.
In 2011 assets were transferred to Flexibility.co.uk Ltd, a new company set up to take the mission forward and develop new ventures.
Andy Lake is the owner and editor of Flexibility. He has edited Flexibility since 1994, and has written and presented extensively on the subject of Smart Working, as well as leading numerous research projects.
Andy’s background includes working with many companies in implementing flexible working schemes.
Find out more about Andy’s track record, expertise and publications.