Books and downloads
Its Work But Not As We Know It [Download]
- £0.00
- FREE Download: The impacts of the emerging world of work on business, government and public policy We know that the world of work is changing fast. But where is it taking us over the next ten years? And how will it impact wider society? Are there things that need to change in public policy to get up to speed with…
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Smart Flexibility [Printed Book]
- £40.00
- HARDBACK BOOK: Smart Flexibility: Moving Smart and Flexible Working from Theory to Practice is an engaging and practical management book to help organisations implement Smart Working, and takes a business-focused approach to flexibility.
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Smart Working Handbook – 3rd Edition [Download]
- £0.00
- FREE Download: The Smart Working Handbook sets out a strategic, comprehensive and integrated approach to flexibility that maximises the benefits for business, individuals and the environment. It's been adopted or adapted by many organisations as their internal guide to Smart/Agile Working. More in the description section below.
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