It’s good to share knowledge and experience about Smart Working, isn’t it? That’s what the Smart Work Network is all about. It’s a free-to-join network for people in organisations with 100+ employees who are actively involved in delivering smart/agile working programmes.
Flexibility founded the Network in 2007, with an initial launch at Reuters in London. Between then and 2020, meetings were held all around the UK, hosted by member organisations. Since 2020 all meetings have been virtual.
October 2020 also saw the launch of the European Smart Work Network, with Co-Founders Andy Lake, of, Philip Vanhoutte formerly Managing Director of Plantronics Europe, and author of the Smarter Working Manifesto, and Ben Hutchinson, Director of Change and Transformation at Thales UK.
As well as the bimonthly online meetings, the website hosts an increasing library of resources from – reports, guides, research, presentations and recordings of interviews from meetings (etc) – to share between members.
The Network is a non-selling environment, so not one for vendors and consultants looking for prospective clients or promoting products. It’s about creating a safe and candid environment to share ideas, issues, questions and practical experience, about what has worked and what hasn’t, without any pressure to adopt particular solutions.
If you’re involved in implementing Smart Working in your organisation, then why not join the Network? You can find it at, where you can apply for membership.