Andy Lake interviewed by Marcus Bowen for the Work & Place Podcast, about his article on The Emerging Social Infrastructure of Work and Why the Workplace Industry Needs to Think Outside Its Ever-Shrinking Boxes.
The world of work is changing fast, with an unprecedented take-up of ‘remote working’ accelerating pre-existing trends to decentralised working. However, the workplace industry, planners and residential developers alike seem to be captive to an Industrial Age mindset that still sees the separation of work from the rest of life as the norm.
In an article for Work & Place*, the leading journal for the workplace industry, Andy Lake explores the range of trends from homeworking during the pandemic to Industry 4.0 that mean we need a transformational approach to designing and supporting all the places where people work, and an end to the exclusive – and intrinsically conservative – focus on the collective workplace.
In the podcast, Marcus Bowen interviews Andy about the thinking behind the article.
You can access the podcast on Soundcloud here.
Download the Work & Place article from our Resources section.
And you can also watch a short video that goes with the podcast on YouTube.
*For anyone interested in leading-edge inter-disciplinary thinking and developments in work and workplace, Work and Place is highly recommended. You need to subscribe (its free!) to access all the content, but you won’t be disappointed. Articles, video and podcast are also contained there in a tasty mixed media “bento box” to give a full flavour of the topic.